The Age of Decadence Wiki
The Age of Decadence Wiki

Helmets protect the head of the wearer, however they do not add to overall defense. Their statistics are only utilised when struck on the head. Not all opponents will aim attacks at the head, but leaving it unprotected will definitely be considered an open invitation by many more experienced and skilled opponents.

Helmet Statistics[ | ]

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Headdress[ | ]

Turbans protect against the desert sand; Hoods protect identity and modesty. None of these can be crafted.

ID Description Material DR Hardness vsCritical THC penalty Image
1100 Hood - Originally designed to protect the face during sandstorms, hoods later became popular among those wishing to conceal their identity, such as thieves and assassins.
  • Weight 1 lb
  • Value 5 g
Cloth 1 5 15 0 HoodHood demo
1103, 1104 Silk Ordu Helmet - A common male/female silk hat of the Ordu, good for keeping the sun off and your hair in place.
  • Can only be bought
Cloth 1 5 15 0 Silk Ordu Helmet (Male)

Silk Ordu Helmet (Female)

1121 Open Hood - Originally designed to protect the face during sandstorms, hoods later became popular among those wishing to conceal their identity, such as thieves and assassins. This version shows the face of the character (like Varro's pic).
  • Weight 1 lb
  • Value 5 g
Cloth 1 5 10 0 Open HoodOpen Hood demo
1200 Simple Turban - A simple linen head wrap. Originally worn by the desert folk to protect against the harsh sun and constantly blowing sand, the turban's use spread after the War, which turned many green plains into scorched and dusty wasteland.
  • Weight 1.0 lb
  • Value 2 g
Cloth 1 0 5 0 Simple Turban
1201 Simple Hood - An unadorned cloth covering for the head and neck worn by many women.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? File:Simple Hood.png
1202 Expensive Turban - The turban is a linen head wrap originally worn by desert folk to protect against sun and sand. This fancier version was adopted by wealthier folk, who are never content to clothe themselves in merely functional garb.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? File:Expensive Turban.png
1203 Expensive Hood - A cloth covering for the head and neck. The expensive hood of a woman of means is distinguished by its softer material and cloth-of-gold lining.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? File:Expensive Hood.png
1204 Noble's Turban - A long silken cloth wound around a richly decorated cap, the noble's turban is a decorated descendant of the original head wrap used by desert folk to protect against the harsh sun and constantly blowing sand.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? File:Noble's Turban.png
1205 Odalisque Headdress - An elaborately decorated and veiled silk headdress.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? Odalisque hood red
1206 Loremaster's Turban - A simple linen head wrap originally worn by desert folk to protect against the harsh sun and constantly blowing sand. Loremasters, who are often to be found in the desert hunting for artefacts, were the first in the Empire to adopt the turban.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 1? ? ? ? File:Loremaster's Turban.png
1207 Loremaster's Hood - A traditional headdress favored by women. For some, covering the hair is a sign of virtue or piety.
  • Weight ?
  • Value ?
Cloth 2? ? ? ? File:Loremaster's Hood.png
1208 Iskefe - A simple hat in the shape of a truncated cone. Cloth 1 0 5 0 File:Iskefe.png

Leather Helmets[ | ]

Light helmets meant for combat.

ID Description Material DR Hardness vsCritical THC penalty Image
1101 Leather Barbari Helmet - Basic leather headgear adorned with bull's born. Among the barbarians, this type of helmet is worn only by the bull killer himself. Leather 2 5 15 1 Leather Barbari Helmet
1102 Heavy Barbari Helmet - Strike fear into primitive foes with this heavy leather helmet adorned with a bull's horns! Hardened Leather 3 10 15 2 Heavy Barbari Helmet
1105 Leather Numeri Helmet - The Numeri were not know for the quality of their gear, but this leather helmet comes with a decorative spike on top. Leather 2 5 15 1 Leather Numeri Helmet
1106 Heavy Numeri Helmet - A heavy leather version of the Numeri Helmet, topped with a fanciful metal spike.
  • Weight 2.4 lb
  • Value 12 g
Hardened Leather 3 10 15 2 Heavy Numeri Helmet
1110, 1111 Leather Ordu Helmet - The distinctive male/female conical leather helmet of the Ordu, with neckguard. Beware, lest you be mistaken for an Ordu at a distance. Leather 2 10 25 2 Leather Ordu Helmet male red

Leather Ordu Helmet female red

1112, 1113 Studded Ordu Helmet - A heavier version of male/female Ordu hat. Hardened Leather 3 15 25 3 Studded Ordu Helmet male brown

Studded Ordu Helmet female brown

Metal Helmets[ | ]

ID Description Material DR Hardness vsCritical THC penalty Image
1107 Murmillo Helmet - A full helmet commonly used by murmillo gladiators, sporting a high angular crest and a broad curved brim. Vision is somewhat impaired by its full facial visor, penetrated by narrow gratings for the eyes. Bronze 6 30 70 10 Murmillo Helmet
1108 Auxiliary Helmet - A serious helmet for the fighter unconcerned with decorations and ceremonies, the Auxiliary helmet is reinforced with a metal ridge along the cranium for extra protection against overhead strikes. Bronze 5 25 60 8 File:Auxiliary Helmet.png
1109 Phrygian Helmet - A very unusual piece of headgear, this helmet sports a high, conical peak resembling a common peasant hat, and a next-to-full facemask offering a combination of defense and relatively unimpaired vision. Bronze 5 25 60 8 Phrygian Helmet
1114 Legionnaire Helmet - The standard helmet of the Imperial Legions offers basic protection and cheek guards. The face is open, allowing for maximal field of view. Bronze 3 15 40 4 Legionnaire Helmet bronze
1115 Attic Helmet - A full metal helmet with cheek and nose guards and a front-to-back horsehair crest. Bronze 5 25 60 8 Attic Helmet
1116 Centurion Helmet - Traditional centurion helmet with a distinctive, transverse horsehair crest -crista transvera- which allowed legionnaires to recognize centurions in the chaos of battle. Bronze 3 15 40 4 Centurion helmet bronze
1117 Praetorian Helmet - Traditional helmet of the Praetorian guards with a distinctive reinforced fore-grip and a front-to-back decorative crest. Bronze 3 15 40 4 Praetorian helmet alt bronze
1119 Lamellar Ordu Helmet - A metal Ordu helmet.
  • Weight 5.0 lb
Bronze 4 20 40 5 File:Lamellar Ordu Helmet.png
1120 Imperial Helmet - The heavy helmet of the Imperial Guards, with nose and cheek guards and the unmistakable double horsehair crest. Bronze 5 25 60 8 File:Imperial Helmet.png
1129 Wolf Helmet - A wolf skin worn over a standard iron helmet to terrify your enemies. In the long forgotten days, such helmets were worn only by standard bearers. These days, it's a fashion statement.
  • Cannot be crafted
  • Cannot be decomposed
Iron+Wolf Skin 4 30 40 4 WolfHelmet brown
UNQ_Zagros Zagros' Helmet - An exceptionally well-crafted iron murmillo helmet, allegedly belonging to a long dead arena's champion named Zagros.
  • Unique
Iron 7 50 90 4 Zagros' Helmet
not 1132 Warrior's Crown - An exceptional blue steel helmet that provides protection without obstructing its wearer's vision. A long time ago one of the arena champions was crowned with it; since then it was passed from one champion to another until Kadmos walked away with it.
  • Unique
Blue Steel 8 75 60 0 File:Warrior's Crown.png

References[ | ]
