Persuasion is one of the skills in The Age of Decadence.
The smooth art of convincing people to act in your interests by reasoning and personal magnetism.
Skill Level[ | ]
- You're able to communicate with other primates.
- You’ve discovered that the primates respond better to well-chosen words.
- You've learned to string words together for greater oratory effect.
- You're learned how to convince those who want to believe you.
- You’ve realized that Old Man Aesop was right: persuasion IS more effective than brute force.
- You’ve learned how to win friends and influence people.
- You’ve realized that persuasion is merely a prerequisite to manipulation.
- You will make a great ‘used carts’ salesman.
- People are an open book to you and you can talk them into just about anything.
- Your ability to influence minds is uncanny. Keep it up and they will burn you for witchcraft.[1]