The Age of Decadence Wiki

Tower Ring - The ring is heavier than it looks and has three rotating bands with markings on them.

  • Weight: 0.1 lb
  • Value: 250 g


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It doesn't seem magical at all. It's heavier than it looks and has three rotating bands with markings on them, but other than that, it's a fairly mundane ring that won't raise anyone's eyebrows.

Yet the three bands are somehow familiar. You turn the ring in your finger until it comes to you - a crude drawing of three long stripes with similar markings. Something about remote control, but control of what?


Controls certain functions of the Zamedi Guardian. He wants it as this item would grant him freedom from the tower.

  • Can be found on top of Zamedi Tower.
  • If you discovered the weaknesses of the Guardian at the top console, you can use it to weaken it before the fight or get some answers from him about past events in history.

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The power core is the last piece of the puzzle. As you study the ring again, everything clicks and comes together. The markings on the bands indicate distance and power level. The ring doesn't control the demon directly, but it controls the core. Thus, if the demon gets the ring, he will become his own master.